Africa : Launch of Solar Power Facility in Rwanda
Africa: Launch of Solar Power Facility in Rwanda WASHINGTON, February 19, 2015/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Press Statement John Kerry Secretary of State Washington, DC February 18, 2015 I welcome the completion and launch of an 8.5 MW solar installation in Rwanda by Gigawatt Global. This (…)
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APO (Rwanda)
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APO (Rwanda)
IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde to Visit Rwanda and Senegal
Local Internet Hosting Opportunities Key to Furthering Internet Development in Emerging Economies
Joint visit of Deputy Prime Ministers Reynders and De Croo to Rwanda
Visite conjointe de Didier Reynders et Alexander De Croo au Rwanda
ICS Financial Systems Extends Leading Presence in Africa
ICS Financial Systems Conforte sa présence de leader en Afrique