#Kwibuka25 @ Kigali

La rédaction - 2/04/2019
Image:#Kwibuka25 @ Kigali

4-5 & 7 April 2019
Preserving Memory, Championing Humanity

4-5 April 2019
International Conference
Intare Conference Arena, Kigali

7th April 2019
Commemoration Day – 7th April 2019
Kigali Convention Centre, Kigali Genocide Memorial & Amahoro National Stadium

DAY ONE : 4 April 2019

10:00 – 10:30 OPENING CEREMONY

Welcome Remarks by Jean-Damascène Bizimana, Executive Secretary, National Commission for the Fight against Genocide (CNLG)

Opening Keynote Address by H.E. Olusegun Obasanjo, Former President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

10:30 – 12:00 Panel 1 : Perspectives of a Post-Genocide Generation

Moderator : Sandra Shenge, Aegis Trust

Panelists :

Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)
Edouard Bamporiki, National Itorero Commission
Catherine Coquio, Université Denis-Diderot
Aleksander Edelman, filmmaker
Boatamo Mosupyoe, California State University, Sacramento

13:30 – 15:00 Panel 2 : Genocide and Collapse of Society

Moderator : Zachary Kaufman, Harvard Kennedy School & Stanford Law School

Panelists :

Frank Chalk, Concordia University
Victoria Fontan, American University of Afghanistan
David Gakunzi, journalist
Bishop John Rucyahana, National Unity and Reconciliation Commission
Andrew Wallis, author

18:00 – 20:00 CAFÉ LITTÉRAIRE

Featuring : Koulsy Lamko, Jean-Marie Rurangwa, and Virginie Brinker, moderated by Ariane Inkesha

Programme is in French and includes spoken word and song performances

Venue : Kigali Conference and Exhibition Village (KCEV), Camp Kigali

DAY TWO : 5 April 2019

9:00 – 10:30 Panel 3 : Choosing Humanity in the Face of Inhumanity

Moderator : Emmanuel Nibishaka, Secretary-General, National Commission for Human Rights

Panelists :

Jean-François Dupaquier, investigative journalist
Margee Ensign, President, Dickinson College
Maj. Gen. Charles Karamba, Air Force Chief of Staff, Rwanda Defence Force
Jean-Paul Kimonyo, Office of the President of Rwanda
Charles Petrie, Former UN Assistant Secretary-General

10:45 – 12:30 Panel 4 : The Imperative of Justice : Past, Present, Future

Special Remarks by Hon. Ba Tambadou, Minister of Justice of Gambia

Moderator : Providence Umurungi, Ministry of Justice, Rwanda

Panelists :

Aurélia Devos, Pôle Génocide, Parquet de Paris
Richard Gisagara, Paruelle & Associé, Paris
Linda Melvern, investigative journalist
Rt. Hon. Martin Ngoga, Speaker of the East African Legislative Assembly
Charity Wibabara, National Public Prosecution Authority, Rwanda

14:00 – 15:30 Panel 5 : Preserving Memory and Sustaining Gains in a Disruptive Age

Moderator : Jeanine Munyeshuli, activist

Panelists :

Laure Iyaga, CEO, Sana Initiative, Rwanda
Jessica Gérondal Mwiza, Ibuka France
Emmanuel Ndayizigiye, agronomist, Rwanda
Laetitia Tran Ngoc, researcher, Belgium
Moses Turahirwa, fashion designer, Moshions, Rwanda

15:30 – 16:00 CLOSING CEREMONY

Closing Keynote Address by Adama Dieng, United Nations Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide

Concluding Remarks by Hon. Johnston Busingye, Minister of Justice & Attorney-General of Rwanda

Commemoration Day – 7th April 2019

– 10h00 – Kigali Genocide Memorial : Laying of Wreaths and Lighting of the flame by The President of the Republic of Rwanda and Distinguished VIPs

– 11h00 – Commemoration Ceremnony at Kigali Convention Centre

– 15h00 – Walk to Remember from Parliament to Amahoro Stadium

– 18h00 – Night Vigil at Amahoro National Stadium


More information :

 International Conference - 4-5 April 2019
 Commemoration Day – 7th April 2019


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